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BDSM, fantasies and realities: The cage. EN

The cage makes it possible to mark both symbolically and physically, the place of the submissive or there in the relationship. Whether from a pet-play perspective or in more classic roles.

Locking someone in a small space may seem easy, but it remains a practice that may seem shocking to an uninformed public and which, like any practice, requires a minimum of precaution and supervision.

By overcoming these prejudices and taking their precautions into account, this allows the submissive or submissive to spend a moment detached from material requirements, to do penance or simply to rest in a constrained, closed and secure environment.

The cage can also be covered with a sheet or a blanket to accentuate the confinement and the cut with the outside world. (Not to be done if your submissive is claustrophobic).

It's not necessarily easy to have a cage at home big enough to fit a human being into it in a position that is still comfortable enough. If you want to keep a minimum of space or discretion, there are fortunately folding or removable models.

In this little bdsm session, I lock my submissive in her cage so she can take a nap. During this time, I have plenty of time to take some photos, which you can find under this article if you are subscribed to my private club.

And you, what do you think of the cage? Have you already tried ? Feel free to leave your testimonial in the comments :)
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C'est angoissant seulement si on est laissé seul.e, sans surveillance, je dirais. Ma soumise est relativement habituée, assez pour s'endormir tranquillement :-)


Je n'ai jamais été enfermé mais j'imagine que c'est une expérience à vivre. Il ne faut pas que ça dure trop longtemps quand même. Car même si je ne suis pas claustrophobe ça pourrait devenir angoissant. Les photos sont superbes , est ce que ta soumise est habituée aux séjours dans la cage ?

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